Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Slow Day

Today I didn't work until later and to be honest didn't do much. My back still hurts and I was feeling a tad sorry for myself.

It's ok though, I think sometimes everybody needs a slow day to recharge and refocus.

This is not to say that I did not follow my chosen lifestyle, but just that I took it easy.

I made myself a "chili" with half a red onion, left over black beans, lentils, frozen corn, frozen soybeans and left over turkey. I added chili powder and coriander.

It turned pretty good actually, we had the rest of it for dinner with lentil soup.

Other than that I didn't do much. Movement hurts so I went and worked this afternoon and that's about it.

I'm not very good at being patient. I sure hope this ol' back of mine gets back into it's own shape fast!

Until then, I'll be home trying to keep from going nuts.

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