If you want to read the first part of this, see my previous post:
Picking ourselves up (part 1).
So, things got a little out of control, times have been stressful, and now I want to get my behind in gear, big time. Knowing myself and my "all or nothing" tendencies, I want to find a reasonable and maintainable plan that will let me not only GET on track, but also STAY on track. I'm breaking this down in 3 sections: Food n stuff, Activity n stuff, and Personal stuff.
Food n stuff:I think that the start of all things when it comes to eating right is
to plan. I need to make a plan that makes sense, that take my schedule into account. So the first thing will be to start planning my week ahead and stick to my plan.
The second thing that I need to do, is
to shop smart. I do that automatically now, but there are some things that seem to sneak in my house that weren't part of our shopping habits a few months ago. Mainly I have to
shop in season, because money is an issue these days, and to make sure that I always have safe snacks around.
I need to stop buying those snacks that I know will get me in troubles. Even if I feel strong and solid on shopping day, I have to remember that a few days down the line, I might not have the willpower to stop at one bite.
Defensive shopping, that's what I call it!
As far as meal planning, I want to keep my focus on eating
more vegetables. Grains and legumes are good, and I certainly plan on eating them regularly, but somehow my beloved vegetables have kind of slipped away. I need to give them first place again.
Finally, I have to take it one bite at a time. Ask myself the question: "Am I eating because I'm hungry? Or for X,Y,Z reason?" If I'm not hungry, then I get lost.
"If hunger isn't the problem, food isn't the solution."
Activity n stuffActivity is my biggest challenge these days. It's funny in a way because it has always been my strength. I love to exercise, I just can't seem to find my "cruise speed". I have 2 speeds: Full blast, and nothing. I need to find a happy middle, something I can do and maintain without burning out, and without hurting myself.
I think I need to stop focusing on performance, and start
focusing on consistency. I'll never compete in anything again. I'm not interested in doing so. I just want my body to be able to do what I tell it to do.
I think I'll go back to something I did a while ago that worked well before my OCD self decided to "step it up". I'll do
1 hour of "something" every day. It doesn't have to be high intensity, it can be either cardio or resistance training. As long as I'm moving for at least 60 minutes, it's good!
That way I can play this game with myself of "cheating". On the days that I really don't want to hit the gym, I go out of my way to find some way to move that isn't "exercise". Generally I end up moving much more than 1 hour. It's fun, it's motivating, and it's moving! Less pressure, more fun, how cool is that?
Personal stuffI need to organize my time and put together a
list of priorities. I've been sitting in stagnant water for too long. Ok, education isn't going well, what does it mean for me? Where am I going? What are my possibilities? Where do I want to go from here?
I need to figure those things out and then
make a plan. Nobody is going to come and pick me out of my living room.
I also need to remind myself of the
things I have accomplished so far, instead of the things I haven't done. I have come a long way and have beaten any odds that life has thrown at me so far. When needed I DID have the strength to push forward and that strength is still in me today. I can do whatever I set my heart on doing. I just have to keep at it!
Finally, I need to
take "me time". I need to do what needs to be done, and then stop. I need time where I'm not figuring out anything. Where I'm not cleaning, writing, preparing meetings, planning food, cooking, making lunches... Nobody can be "on" 24 hrs/day. I need time to just chill out, play, go outsides, something.
Ok, so that's my plan. It's a big order, but in a way it's a simple one. Get back to basics, get back to what works, don't try to overdo things, over think things. Just think ahead a little, take it one step at a time, and pick yourself up real quick if something comes up.
I have been doing this for over 5 years now, I know how, I know I can do it. So... If you see somebody skipping along on the Expressway in Rohnert Park followed by a skinny crazy dog, I just probably didn't feel like hitting the gym that day! AH!
Be good n stuff!