Sunday, May 18, 2008

Food food food!

I been cooking my behind off this weekend!

Here's Friday's fare:

Watermelon Salad, Grilled chicken and bulgur. Fairly simple, but delicious! Here's the details:

This is a recipe I found in the Weight Watchers Magazine a few years ago. The heat last week reminded me of it and I found it hidden in a folder on my laptop.

It's also extremely easy! 3 cup of little watermelon cubes, 2 Kirby cucumbers sliced thin, 1 jalapeno pepper minced, 2 TBSP red wine vinegar and salt! Mix together, let chill a little, there you are!

I prepare a chicken recipe from the new Sizzle It cookbook we have at Weight Watchers. It's called Moroccan-style chicken with olives. Yeah, I forgot the olives... oh well... It was delicious that night, and again the following day for lunch! I grilled the chicken on my George Foreman Grill, I bet it'd be better on charcoal!

The bulgur dish was very simple, soaked with broth, salt and pepper. That's it!

Saturday night I didn't feel like cooking, but I had a bunch of vegetables that needed to be used, so I made a vegetarian curry. I don't have pictures of it, but it was just a simple curry that I made up on the spot with sweet potato, zucchini, asparagus, diced tomatoes, onions... I forget what else. I made a lot of it, and it was SPICY, as in 15 minutes later I was still sweatin'... hmmmmm

Today I cooked again, and it was different, but very good!

Here's today's fare:

I did make it with the bentos in mind, a simple Tabbouleh with Turkish Meatballs, a recipe I found on the Weight Watchers Website a while ago. I love it!

Ok, I said a simple Tabbouleh, but honestly I'm very proud of the look and taste of it. I was careful to chop the parsley very small, and to chose vegetable that would look and taste good together. I ended up putting cucumber, red pepper, chickpeas, parsley and bulgur obviously.

The dressing was lemon juice, garlic, salt pepper and olive oil.

Last but not least, the Turkish Meatballs. They are made with lean ground beef, scallions, cilantro, garlic, spices and bulgur. They are fun to make, quick to bake, and taste just wonderful!

We had a lot of fun trying things. We went to the Farmer's Market again Saturday and enjoyed ourselves. Smelled the smells and tasted the tastes of fresh foods and enjoyed the friendliness and "community feel" of the market.

So, that's our weekend! In between our food adventures we cleaned up the front yard, played outside a little and relaxed a lot! We needed it!

Be good n stuff!

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